Interim Treasurer:
Ann Frederking

Ann is currently the CVS treasurer and has a long history of being treasurer in the past. She’s happy to continue for one more term, but would be equally happy to either work with a potential successor or turn the job over to a younger person.

She was CVS treasurer from 1982 until 2014 and maintained the membership lists during that time. She also edited the CVS Newsletter from the late 1980s until 2009 and continued to assist with its distribution after it became the CVS Journal.

She was a violist with the Ottawa Symphony Orchestra from 1971 – 2010, principal violist of the Ottawa Chamber Orchestra (OCO) from 2002 - 2013 and remains a section player in OCO and Principal in Parkdale Orchestra. While mostly retired from teaching she still teaches a few adult students.

In 1998-99, she handled the administrative part of organizing the International Viola Congress in Guelph and in 2000 was awarded the International Viola Society Silver Clef for 1999. She received the CVS Lifetime Achievement Award in 2009 and continues to attend Viola Congresses and Festivals anywhere in the world whenever possible.

In addition, from 1989-2020, she was involved with the Gloucester Emergency Food Cupboard (GEFC) starting as an organizer, later becoming Executive Director, a position from which she retired in 2006. But she continued as a volunteer and in 2016 was awarded the Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers at Rideau Hall by Governor General David Johnston. More recently she was chair of the board of the GEFC until June 2020.

Ann has also directed the Emmanubells Handbell Ensemble in Ottawa from 1996 - the present time  and in her spare time grows hostas and frequently speaks to gardening groups about growing hostas.